RSL 410
Bending Beam Load Cell
Single Point Platform Load cell RSL 410 with rated output of 2mv/v, capacity ranges of 100, 200, 300, 500, 750, 1000, 1500Kg, protection class IP 65, and composition error of 0.02 is available from us.
Efficient solutions to simple safety tasks
The RSL 410 mostly ised for industrial grade platform scales
Our customers can find an extensive range of Bending Beam Load Cell RSL 410 model in Rudrra Sensor product catalogs. Manufactured from high quality stainless steel it has superb working performance which make it first choice among all. This product includes different features that abide the customer to appreciate. Perfect balancing, compensating and accurate measurement capacity that all factors which impress our buyers towards the organization. It is mostly suitable for small load measurement.
We strive to surplus our company goal of maximum customer satisfaction and every member as well as every product is engaged to achieve this motto. We believe in right product at the right price. These products can be gain at comparative low price from the market.